VT Engineering EVEMS Apartment Building Install

83 Unit Townhouse Complex
VT Engineering Inc Wired/Wireless EVEMS – Patent Pending

EV Ready Plan and Design for 398 Parking Stalls

Fourplex Development

22 Lot Sub-Division Streetlighting

VT Engineering designed the streetlighting for a whole new 22 lot sub-division is Mission. All the street lighting was modelled using AGi32 to ensure all the lighting requirements where met and all the streetlights were spaced in a way to provide even lighting throughout the whole street.
Thai Temple and Residence

VT Engineering designed a new Thai Temple and Residence for the Monks and Staff. The lighting was modelled in AGi32 to ensure it met ASHRAE 90.1 requirements as well as the customers requirements for the stage lighting of the Buddha. Exterior lighting was selected to provide an elegant appearance at night around both buildings.